Monday, June 30, 2008

International Flags

Me and Blu doing a figure 8 run!

Mak and I found some shade for the horses to graze under it hit 95 degrees that day
boy it sucked wearing show clothes
Hello Hello!! Just got back from Pre Fair and it was overall pretty cool. We didn't do as well as I would have liked in trail but Im cutting Blu some slack on this one becouse she did really well in all our other events that day. Makenzie got Grand Champion in trail, so at least someone I know won. In our gaming events Blu's doing awsome. She is starting to pick up a lot of speed and is nailing the turns. We are up against a lot of really fast horses and agressive riders, but it's ok becouse in a few years when she is all the way patterned we'll be kicking butt! In my performance classes we got two blues, thats really good considering she's not a performance horse. I had a good time and it was good training for Blu and that's all that matters.
Happy trails!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I couldn't beleive it but on her second flag run ever we took FIRST place and a trophy!

mosey'n along

Goofy horse, She sticks her entire head in her bucket when she eats

Me and some of my Buds!

Some showmanship shots! The brown horse is Choco, Makenzie's horse.

Some friends waiting to go into a Showmanship practice and me trying to get Blu to stop smelling Jokers butt!

Hi Guys

Howdy gang! So sorry its taken me so darn long to get a new post up but I have loads of stuff going on! Blu is doing great and is picking up on the gaming patterns like it's nothing big. I swear, every time I show her somthing new she pick right up on it. We have recently started working on a trail course and Makenzie and I are having a blast riding through it. (Makenzie is the girl I ride with) At Pre-Fair this year nobody had steped up and volenteered to put together the trail class so Shad and my dad said they would do it! (Shad is Makenzie's dad) It's kinda cool becouse they built all new stuff for us to practice on like a bridge, brush box, and a set of trot poles. Blu and Choco (mak's horse) are doing really good so far and they go over all the objects, Blu will ever walk over a tarp and let me carry a flag while riding! Pre-Fair is coming up soon so I'll have pictures of our trail course in a little bit. Hope you like the new pics, they are from the past few shows I have been to.
Much love to all the family!!